Let Us Help!

Hawley Consulting Group is a financial services company that helps individuals and families to make sound decisions concerning life insurance, funeral pre-planning, final expenses and other insurance protection needs. All our consulting activities are geared towards achieving this task of helping you make sound decisions.

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What We Do

The loss of a loved one is an emotional and difficult time for families. There are so many decisions that must be made in haste. Making plans ahead of time for your own funeral or that of a loved one can ease some of the stress and relieve families of a financial burden. We believe that funeral pre-planning is just as practical and important as planning for a college education, a wedding or a new home. We assist you on a step by step basis to discover what options are available to you in order to assure that your wishes for end of life decisions are carried out and that you receive the merchandise and services you prefer at a price you can afford. The first step in this process entails a simple interview to discover what you want. We then help you to plan out your wishes to the level of detail you desire. We can help you at every level of your need. We can help you pre-plan, which includes assistance planning your service, choosing the merchandise and services you desire, pre-paying for the merchandise and services, if you desire, so your family doesn’t have to come up with money at the time of need. We can even conduct the funeral services if needed.

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What Makes Us Different

No one likes "being sold" which often means being pressured to buy and most would say that they try to avoid salesmen.  Hawley Consulting Group is not here to just sell you something. We bring many years of practical experience in helping families on the life insurance, funeral, cemetery and even ministry sides. We believe that when it comes to end of life issues each person should “have it their way”. The only way this can happen is by educating our clients so they know their options and can make educated and informed decisions.  You will also find us to be quite laid back and less formal than most in our industry. We dress business casual and we talk in normal tones. We will interview you, find out what you want and help you to get it whether its today, next week or next year.  Because we are an independent company, we don't face the pressure to sell others often face. This means you don't get pressured either. We can take our time and help you find what is best for you.


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If There Had Been A Death In My Family Yesterday… What Would My Family Be Doing Today?


The answer to this question is difficult. The Bible calls death “the last enemy” and this is true on both a physical and spiritual level. Death does not discriminate. It comes to all eventually. From the biggest to smallest, the strongest to the weakest, the richest to the poorest, the famous to the infamous, the popular to the nobodies, the most beautiful to the plainest, nicest to the meanest and to the oldest, and the youngest. It comes when we expect it to come and sadly, to0 often when we don’t expect it.

There are a number of ways we face the reality of death.

We can deny it. Denial of death is the norm in our culture. Death  terrifies us and we don’t want to think about it, talk about it or prepare for it. It’s as if “ignorance is bliss” for many. Unfortunately, not thinking of death does not stop or slow down the event. It just leaves us and our families unprepared with potentially devastating consequences.

We can fight it. The desire to live is usually strong in everyone. Many individuals act proactively to forestall it by eating healthy and/or exercising. Others rationalize why it won’t be a problem for a long time – “I take Lipitor,” “I’ll quit smoking soon,” “I’ll get in shape.” Most just try to distract themselves by turning on the TV, calling a friend or having a drink. The goal is to fight death by just getting thoughts of death out of our consciousness.

We Can Prepare for it. The best way to face the reality of death is to prepare for it. The advantage of preparing for death is that once you are prepared, you don’t have to think about. Preparing for death simply means that:

We confront the reality of death. While we hope that it is far in our future, we acknowledge that death is a reality for everyone… eventually.

We make prudent preparations. This could entail a number of things from buying Life Insurance, to making a will, to making final arrangements.


Hawley Consulting Group can assist you in all of these matters either directly or by referring you to one of our trusted associates.



“Show me the manner in which a nation cares for its dead and I will measure with mathematical exactness the tender mercies of its people, their respect for the laws of the land and their loyalty to high ideals.” William Gladstone,


Next Steps...

Don't Keep Putting This Off.  Remember, once you have your preparations completed, you don't have to think about it again. Contact us today for a free consultation. We look forward to helping you!